News Release

Cherokee County Extension News Release

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Cherokee County has received numerous calls concerning the status of the 2020 Cherokee County Fair, especially in relation to 4-H and FFA exhibits. While the Fair Board has canceled open class exhibits, entertainment and other events for this year, we are still planning for some type of 4-H and FFA exhibition in Cherokee County. At this time, we are unsure what format that may be, but we expect to know more in the coming weeks. Please watch our website, our Facebook pages (@IowaStateUniversityExtensionCherokeeCounty or @4HCherokeeCountyIA) or the Cherokee County 4-H app for more information. We will share details with you as soon as we can. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and support of our Cherokee County 4-H and Youth Development Programs!

News Release

Fair Postponed

The Cherokee County Fair Association has been closely monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic crisis since early March. It has become clear to our Executive Board that our “traditional annual fair” may look different if we are even able to have a fair due to the Covid-19 Crisis.

Our Executive Board has been meeting regularly to keep abreast of the situation. We have been actively engaged in attending Zoom meetings with our Association of Iowa Fairs (AIF), and the International Association of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE). We have been closely monitoring the CDC and IDPH guidelines set out for reopening our communities and businesses. We as a board have been practicing social distancing, creating mitigation processes for the time when we will be able to open up to the public.

On April 6th the difficult decision was made to cancel all upcoming fairground rentals. It was also decided that the EXPO Building would be closed as an effort to protect our members and to mitigate any Covid-19 community spread threat. We will continue to keep the EXPO Building closed to members to include all outside arenas and buildings at this time. In the event the Governor relaxes certain items in her proclamation we would reevaluate our decisions that have been affected and adjust them accordingly.

Our board relies on the kindness of our volunteers to assist in making our fair run smoothly. These folks help with gates, food stands, animal shows, static shows, building watch, cart drivers, and more. Our volunteers largely consist of the population which are considered at high risk to be infected by this virus. We feel it is in the best interest of our community not place people at risk.

Our board has been in close contact and working with Cherokee County Emergency Management and the local Public Health to follow the latest restrictions put in place by the Governors latest proclamation.

The Cherokee County Fair Association’s Executive Board has made the difficult decision to postpone all non-youth related activities to include all main arena events, carnival, commercial exhibits, food vendors, and on grounds entertainment. We will be postponing our 2020 fair to July 21st thru the 25th of 2021. We feel this is safest for our community, staff, volunteers, exhibitors and vendors.

We thank you for your past support and hope you will continue to support the Cherokee County Fair this year and in the years to come!

Please follow us on our fb page and website

Brad Nelson
President of the Cherokee County Fair Association